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Help for owners of empty properties

If you own or have recently inherited a property and don't know what to do with it, we could help.

Let us manage it for you through our empty property private leasing scheme and we can take the hassle of ownership out of your hands.

The scheme is simple.

We take on your property and if we think it needs repairs to bring it up to a certain standard, we'll make these repairs and improvements for you.


We then work with The Gateshead Housing Company who let it to their tenants for an affordable rent. It manges the property throughout the term of the lease and looks after any issues, saving you time and the stress of managing a property yourself.

All we ask is that we are able to manage the property fir a minimum of five years and where improvements need to be made, you agree fir us to deduct the cost of the repairs from the rent you receive.

You will also be expected to apy a reasonable property management and maintenance charge to us.

After the five years have finished, you still own the property and are free to do what you wish with it.

If you want to find out more about the scheme please call 0191 3376 or email


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