BBC Newcastle radio presenter Jon Harle celebrated his 60th birthday by cylcing from Newcastle to London to raise money for British charity Send A Cow.
Send a Cow helps farmers in some of the poorest parts of rural Africa to become self sufficient, with a single cow able to provide 3000 litres of milk in a year. This can not only provide sustenance for the family but also bring a steady stream of income.
Another benefit of owning a cow is the difference that their manure makes to crop yields.
When he set off on Saturday 3 June, Jon aimed to cycle about 60 miles a day, which he modestly said is "nothing for a proper cyclist, but it's a heck of a long way for [im] on a mountain bike. It's a bit like taking part in a Formula One race using a Land Rover."
He hoped to arrive in London a week later and he will be covering his journey via his Twitter account @jonharle1
Jon is covering all the costs himself, but hopes to raise enough money to send a cow to Africa through British Send A Cow who recently won an innovation prize at the Bon International Development Awards.
The cost to 'send a cow' is £750 to Send a Cow, which is Jon's initial target, but he said that he would "love to raise more than £1000 and be able to send one and a half cows!"
If you wouold like to support Jon's fund raising exercise, you can do so via his MyDonate page.